Our services

We provide innovative, bespoke and cost-effective legal solutions to organisations undertaking or participating in any form of review or investigative process

Our services

We have a unique understanding of how to run reviews, inquiries and investigations; how to manage the challenges they bring to organisations and individuals involved; and how to achieve the best outcome for clients.

As a specialist practice, we offer incomparable value for money and have the networks to enhance our expert team through collaboration with other professionals, including technology and information specialists.

We can help you in the following ways:

Conducting an independent or internal investigation or review

  • Set-up advice and support for the investigation or review, including:
  • advising on scope, scale, timing, resource requirements and cost
  • implementing effective and efficient processes and procedures
  • establishing and managing a team

  • Hands-on day to day leadership and administering the legal functions of the investigation or review from set-up through to delivery including:
  • Establishing processes, procedures and systems to manage legal risk
  • Evidence and information management, including data security and GDPR compliance
  • Obtaining witness evidence and providing witness management and support
  • Producing an independent report with findings

  • Support to Coroners conducting complex, sensitive or particularly document heavy inquests

  • Collaboration with other professionals, information managers and technology specialists to ensure integrated solutions

  • Customised input to meet the specific requirements of the investigation or review, whether short or long-term projects

Preparing for and engaging with an independent investigation or review

  • Legal representation for organisations and individual witnesses engaging with any form of investigation or review, including core participants to inquiries, and interested persons to inquests

  • Designing processes and procedures for identification, retention and provision of relevant information, including documents and witness statements

  • Management of legal risk for organisations and individuals that may face criticism
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